Warts can be a source of misery and embarrassment, affecting your confidence and quality of life. Sometimes warts disappear but sometimes they get too stubborn on our skin. Tajmeels is offering a comprehensive range of advanced wart removal techniques tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're dealing with common warts, plantar warts, or genital warts, our skilled dermatologists will guide you to Say Goodbye to Warts: Warts Removal Treatment in Abu Dhabi is becoming popular day by day to regain smooth and blemish-free skin.

What Are Warts?

Warts are projections or bumps on the skin caused by human papillomavirus. HPV infects epithelium that produces a benign growth on our skin having a rough texture. Usually, warts are noncancerous and harmless but sometimes they can cause infections and may spread from one person to another. Warts can occur on various parts of the body but the common areas where warts are found include:

  • Hands and fingers.
  • The skin around the nails.
  • Face, usually on the forehead
  • Genital areas
  • Knees and elbows.
  • Feet

Types of Warts:

Warts are classified according to their characteristics and typical locations on the body. The main types of warts are:

1. Common warts:

Common warts usually appear on hands, fingers, and nails. Common warts typically have a rough surface with a grainy texture. They are contagious and can spread through direct contact with an infected person.

2.  Plantar warts:

Plantar warts develop in areas that experience pressure or friction. They usually appear on the soles of the feet which can cause pain and discomfort while walking. They may have small black dots in the center that are tiny blood vessels to supply the wart.

3. Flat warts:

Flat warts are smaller and slightly raised surfaces with a smooth texture. They form on the face and neck areas. Flat warts are painless but they occur in large numbers usually in groups.

4. Filiform Warts:

Filiform warts are long and flat that have a finger or thread-like appearance. Filiform warts have a flesh-coloured appearance that usually occurs on the face. They are typically painless but cause irritation if they are accidentally scratched or rubbed

5. Genital Warts:

Genital warts are sexually transmitted warts that usually appear on the genital and anal areas. They appear in pinkish colour having a bumpy texture. Genital warts are highly contagious and their size may vary from small to large clusters.

Warts Removal Types:

There are several types of treatments available for warts removal, depending on the type, location, and severity of the warts. Here are some standard methods used for warts removal:

Over-the-counter Treatments:

There are various warts removal products available in the form of gels, creams, or medical patches. Over-the-counter treatment products are applied directly to dissolve the wart over time. OTC treatments are suitable for common warts and plantar warts, but they may require consistent and prolonged use for effective results. Common ingredients used in OTC removal products are:

  • Salicylic acid.
  • Freezing agents.
  • Chemical peels.


Cryotherapy is the process of freezing the wart with a freezing agent containing liquid nitrogen. The freezing process destroys the wart tissue and forms a blister around the treated area. After the freezing process, the area is allowed to thaw. Over a few weeks, the blister dries up and the dead wart tissue gradually falls off. 

Cryotherapy is generally a safe and effective treatment for warts, but it may cause some discomfort during the freezing process and afterward. Patients may experience stinging, redness, or swelling in the treated area but these side effects usually resolve after a few days.

Laser Therapy:

Laser treatment involves using a focused laser beam to target and destroy the wart tissue. The healthcare professional directs the laser beam precisely onto the wart. The laser energy heats and destroys the wart tissue, while minimizing damage to the surrounding healthy skin. After the laser, the wart tissue may be vaporized layer by layer and heat is used to seal the blood vessels.

Laser Treatment has many advantages, including precise targeting, minimal scarring, and reduced risk of infection. Laser treatment may also be preferred for warts located in sensitive areas or areas difficult to access.


Electrosurgery involves using an electrical current to burn and remove the wart. Electrosurgery is combined with curettage, which involves scrapping the wart with a surgical instrument. The electrode is used to deliver a current that targets the specific wart tissue. The electrode may have various shapes, such as a needle, loop, or ball, depending on the size and location of the wart. After scraping the wart with a curette, the electrical current is used again to stop bleeding at the treatment site.

Electrosurgery is a versatile technique that allows precise removal of warts. It offers the advantage of immediate removal with minimal scarring compared to other methods. This combination treatment is performed very critically under local anesthesia to reduce any kind of complications.

Surgical Excisions:

Surgical removal involves cutting out the wart using a scalpel or surgical scissors. This method is typically used for larger or stubborn warts, as well as for warts that have recurred after previous treatments. In surgical treatment, an incision is made around the wart. The incision is deep to remove the entire wart including the base. The healthcare professional carefully lifts and cuts away the wart tissue, ensuring complete removal. A spoon-shaped instrument is used to remove any remaining wart tissue after the cutting. After the control of bleeding, the doctor closes the wound with stitches or adhesive stripes.

Why Choose Us?

Get rid of warts effectively with professional Wart Removal Treatment in Abu Dhabi. Tajmeels is offering a range of cutting-edge technologies that help you to say goodbye to warts. Our experienced dermatologists are ready to serve you anytime. With personalized advice and tailored treatment plans, we ensure the best outcomes for our valued clients.

Book an Appointment!

Trust our experts to deliver exceptional results in warts removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey toward a wart-free life.